First, Annie had to write a paper about what she would do if she were given a million dollars. She proceded to tell about how she would save it until she got married and then use it to go be a missionary. She would go to Cuba and use the money to start a church and then buy them things they may need, such as food, clothing, and Bibles. Isn't that cool?! She didn't say she would want to buy toys, clothes, or for Annie, fabric or weapons. She wants to use the money to go tell people about Jesus and help them with their material needs in the process. So COOL!!!
Secondly, the same week, Grace and Annie were in our church play. Grace shares her part with another girl, Claire. Claire's Mother told me that her daughter told Grace she was nervous. It was Claire's turn to have the speaking part and she was really nervous. Grace took this girl by the hands and said "Let me pray for you." And she proceded to pray with her. Isn't that cool too?!! She knew the One who could really help the situation and she went to Him right then and there and invited Him to take control and help her friend. So COOL!!
I feel like I need to remember these moments and just thank God that He is at work in their heart, even if I don't pray with them enough or read the Bible with them enough, or even if I am not patient enough, whatever it is that I am not doing...He is still there and is still at work. Praise God.
My Girls and Me at the Alahambra in Southern Spain