Thursday, January 5, 2012

Isaac's Words

After having 3 girls, sometimes the differences between Isaac and the girls are so striking.   One huge difference is the girls were much more verbal.  Anna was putting words together to form complete thoughts at 15 months.  Isaac on the other 27 months, he has his own set of words and sound that he makes to let us know what he wants.   Here are a few of the sounds...

eat or food - meeyum or meeyumyum
drink - mmmm, while he does the sign for drink
car - cah
train - doodoo
cut - gung gung
pacifier - baba
boat - baba
Grace - DE
Annie - DunDun or DungDung
Mary - Meemee or Mee
bye- bie
please - peese
What? - mmmuh?mmmuh?

He also likes to act out events.  He will make gestures to tell a story and add the words he knows.  It is so fun to watch him.  I think he will be an animated story teller, just like his father!!

This is the sweet boy eating his meyumyums this morning.

And sweet big sister....

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